“Mural of the Mundane 1: If at First”, 2019 // The Creation of Adam reproduction + acrylic overlay
“Mural of the Mundane 2: Death of Venus", 2019 // The Birth of Venus + acrylic overlay // Included in the “Venus Rising” Exhibit at The Tangent Gallery in Detroit, April 26 & 27, 2019)
“Mural of the Mundane 3: Blame the Whore”, 2019 // The Fall of Man + acrylic overlay
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again? When I initially shared screenshots of the onslaught of messages from Ernesto (Mural 1), I received some negative feedback: “Stop leading him on”, “He’s being sweet, you should reply”, “You are being cruel to exploit his sincere interest in you for personal gain”, and my favorite “He seems like a nice guy, why don’t you just reply, or at the very least, tell him you’re not interested”. 😩 My complete lack of ANY response *should* have indicated I was not interested, but he persisted until finally my account was deleted (thanks Plenty of Fish). How does the burden of ending the (one-sided) conversation land on the person receiving the messages? And how does this play into the idea of consent vs non-consent in real-life interactions.